Introducing Calrad’s new powerfull web server based control platform the xLobby xPad with un-resticted device licenses, use as many devices as you want on a sysyem. This will be the last control system you or your customers will ever need. The xLobby xPad sysem is easy to setup and use without the requirement for complicated hardware or extensive training and programming for basic installations. We created a simple step by step setup process for creating a project with a home start screen, individual room screens  and a device editor for all the project control elements. Step outside the basic design elements and extensive  features and tools are available to create endless possibilities with any product or device hardware that can be controlled using industry standard RS232, IR, IP protocols. Remotely login to your xLobby xPad system and make changes or perform remote service calls. Read the detailed brochure below for all the features and details of the system.

xLobby xPad Simple Home Menu

Simple Home Control Menu, (iPad)

xLobby xPad Devices Menu

Simple Room Devices Control Menu, (iPad)

xLobby xPad iPad Simple Receiver Control

Simple Receiver Control Menu, (iPad)

 xLobby xPad Brochure, Availale in PDF below or in printed form

xLobby Control Brochure Cover page 1

Front Cover, Page 1

xLobby Control Brochure Inside Cover page 2

Inside Cover, Page 2

xLobby Control Brochure Inside Cover page 3

Inside Cover, Page 3

xLobby Control Brochure Cover page 2

Back Cover, Page 4

PDF File Link: xLobby Control Brochure xPad

 xPad Control Systems

xLobby Universal Remote Control System 95-IPADCS

Entry Level Control System, Part Number: 95-IPADCS

PDF File Link: xLobby Universal Remote Control System 95-IPADCS


xLobby Universal Remote Control System 95-IPADCS-1

Mid Level Control System, Part Number: 95-IPADCS-1

PDF File Link: xLobby Universal Remote Control System 95-IPADCS-1


xLobby Universal Remote Control System 95-IPADCS-2

Mid Level 2 Control System, Part Number: 95-IPADCS-2

PDF File Link: xLobby Universal Remote Control System 95-IPADCS-2


13xLobby Universal Remote Control System using Global Cache

Example Illustration of using Global Cache Products, part no: IP2IR for 30 Zone discrete IR control. All the power for the devices are POE (Power Over Ethernet) supplied from a POE type switch, eliminating 10 wall wart power transformers.

global cache GC-ITACH-IP2IR

Global Cache, GC-ITACH-IP2IR IP based (3 IR Ports)


wes gif 
Wes Black

xLobby iPort Integration

xLobby can now communicate directly to the iPort product line. We are moving the xLobby external control services applications and building the them directly into the core xLobby.exe. The existing external xLobby services for (Lighting, Russound,  xController) will continue to work normally.  A new item Called Devices under the Show Menu in the skin editor that provides a new simple method for creating interfaces automatically for 3rd party products. The concept is simple select the product device and model number from the menu and xLobby will automatically generate a new device control page with all the control codes behind every button for either IR or RS232 control. You can easily create duplicate device pages using the same type of device for different area. For example look at the xLobby iPort integration diagram below. xLobby can control 4 different iPort docking stations independently using 4 RS232 ports. The iPort interface is quick and simple to navigate because we cache the RS232 data between the iPort and xLobby hardware, this provides a realtime experience to the user. The interface can be modified in the Skin editor just like any menu in xLobby.

iPort Website:

iPort FS232 Interface Diagram

Basic Diagram xLobby iPort Integration


Skin Edior iPort Setup Menu Screenshot

xLobby iPort Screenshot 2

Working iPort Menu Template Screenshot

Video: iPort Video


iPort FS-22 Table Top Dock

FS-22 Rear Dock

iPort FS-22 Table  Top Dock, Rear View

iPort IW2

iPort IW-22 Inwall Dock

WS-22 Rear Dock 2

iPort IW-22 In-Wall Dock, Rear View

This news post is subject to updates and changes.

wes gif

Wes Black

We continue to improve on the support of web tablet based devices with every new xLobby release, working on features, reliability and speed of the interface. This new platform allows users and installers to build control systems with virtualy any web enabled device that already exists or add specific devices to the installation. Some of the new features that will be available soon are listed below.

1. Users can create control menu’s with many devices in a very simple project step configuration based on individual rooms or whole home control type designs. Creating or loading interfaces will be easy using our new Screen and Template design menu’s in the skin editor.

Independently designed control interfaces can easily be setup for iPad screen sizes and devices with smaller sized screens, so each device can have it’s own background and button layouts. The control interface layouts can be created indivdualy and simultaneously from the same menu.

For example: Step one: what devices will be used for control, iPad, iTouch or a Droid phone, etc. . Step two: how many devices are you going to control 1, 2, 3…etc., Step three: Start menu templates with various designs + your company logo are (optional). Step four: From a list of  products select the brand and model of the display, then select the brand and model of your stereo receiver, select the brand and model of your set top box or satellite receiver, select the brand and model of your DVD player and xLobby xPad control system will add all the advanced or basic required buttons and IR codes to each menu automatically along with all the needed navigation buttons between menus. Any of these devices can easily be updated and replaced if products in the installation changes.

2. Template style control menu’s with mixed or assignable IR ports.

3. Screen designs can be saved, exported and used for other installations. Through the xLobby update system protocol, templates and designs can be shared with other xLobby users.


xpad ipad itouch template

This screenshot shows control menu’s for the iPad and a iTouch, both track the same design (Direct TV basic) but have different menu layouts and buttons properly sized for each device.

xLobby xPad Screenshots on ipad complete document

xLobby xPad features brochure.

PDF File Link: xLobby xPad Features Brochure

News and more screenshots of the GUI for the xPad platform will be updated on a regular basis. 

wes gif

Wes Black

Calrad will be releasing the xLobby 4A system sometime in July, 2011, part number 40-ZA5. This product is only dedicated for music content delivery and will not have the ability to do anything else. The interface will be simple and easy to setup and navigate, similar to the xLobby Cube system. We wanted to create an inexpensive solution that can work with the existing xLobby product line and platform or to be a independent system accessable using network based devices or RF integrated remote control systems that customers already have in their homes. The suggested retail price will be around $ 1200.00. Below is a detailed diagram of the system and the products it can integrate with.


Product Image Renderings

xLobby 4A Hardware

Example Diagram

xLobby 4A

PDF File Link: xLobby 4A 

Wes Black

A early bleeding edge xLobby V3 update is available today showing our new IR Device menu with some of the new features. The final release will be downloadable on Friday with the Port tester and Help tabs enabled. 4000 plus devices, Over 100,000 IR codes are builtin and accessable. Move IR devices from the Master Database to the User Database for quick & easy access to frequently used IR commands.

xlobby Remote Control New IR Menu

Screenshot of the New IR Device Menu in the skin editor.

Original xLobby Universal Remote Control News Post:


The new IR Devices menu adds more power and flexibility to the xLobby platform. Now xLobby can be a cost effective, powerful control only solution using virtualy any web enabled device. Extensive Installer friendly tools and features are constantly being added to provide for a simple design and development platform for control interfaces, customize screens for each device individually by screen size or customers requirements.

Port Tester:

The port tester tab provides troubleshooting and testing assistance of single or multiple IR ports. The test offers features to send a single IR command in a sequence to multiple IR ports or to a single port for a fixed period or in loop cycled sequences. Users can select any IR code from the xLobby IR code library to send. These tools provide assistance to the installer for testing and troubleshooting devices and IR delivery systems. See the screenshots below. It’s also easy to drag and drop Pronto based IR code directly into the IR Code text box.

xLobby Skin Editor IR Port Tester

Port Tester, Default Menu Screenshot

xLobby Skin Editor IR Use In Port Tester

Port Tester, Use In Port Tester Selection Menu Screenshot

xLobby Skin Editor IR Port Tester with selected device

Port Tester, Device IR Command Shown In Port Tester Menu Screenshot



The help menu tab provides valuable information on using the new IR Device menu and outlines details and methods of learning IR commands.

Sort devices by manufacture or by Model number by selecting the column headers at the top of the database.


xLobby Screenshot Updates IR Codes

xLobby Update Tab under Alt + F2 setup. The updates now include the IR Code Library. Select the IR Code check box to upload the current database. If the check box is already checked during an update this means new IR codes have been added to the database.


Future Design additions in later releases:

1. Labeled design elements to show IR commands are present, see the screenshot below.


xLobby IR Control Screenshot 


Wes Black

Below is a screenshot of the new xLobby Universal Control System IR Device menu with the new IR code Library. Further details on all the features will be available soon.


Wes Black

xLobby has three new IR and home automation control platforms. These new systems are for IR and RS232, IP home automation control only and offer no integrated media management of music, movies, etc. . You can still interface and view media content with existing xlobby hardware on the network. The xLobby IPADCS product line provides users with the ability to use any web enabled device for control, Apples iPad’s, iPhones, ITouch products, Android Phones, Tablets. The skin editor has been updated to allow standard xLobby products and the new IPADCS sytems to quickly create interfaces and add control codes to buttons directly from our IR, RS232 code library. Create individual themes and menus for each device. The control iterface is fast, 2 way and provides several diagnostic tools for setup and system monitoring. These systems can also be used with other control IP based hardware like Bitwise, Global Cache, Auroa-WACI to create any high level control system required, there is virtually no limit to the amount of IR, RS232, IP based products that can be added when needed. These systems will be available in late May, 2011.


xLobby Universal Remote Control System 95-IPADCS

Entry Level Control System, Part Number: 95-IPADCS

PDF File Link: xLobby Universal Remote Control System 95-IPADCS

xLobby Universal Remote Control System 95-IPADCS-1

Mid Level Control System, Part Number: 95-IPADCS-1

PDF File Link: xLobby Universal Remote Control System 95-IPADCS-1

xLobby Universal Remote Control System 95-IPADCS-2

Mid Level 2 Control System, Part Number: 95-IPADCS-2

PDF File Link: xLobby Universal Remote Control System 95-IPADCS-2


13xLobby Universal Remote Control System using Global Cache 

Example Illustration of using Global Cache Products, part no: IP2IR for 30 Zone discrete IR control. All the power for the devices are POE (Power Over Ethernet) supplied from a POE type switch, eliminating 10 wall wart power transformers.

Wes Black

Using insteon or UPB lighting products can be very reliable when implemented properly. A good understanding of how these devices work in a real home environment should be examined closely before using them in an actual automation control system. I created the Insteon PLM Fact Sheet because many installers needed a better understanding of how important it is to design create and install these types of technology in a home, careful planning and testing is vital to the installation process. The insteon PLM interface module is the gateway for communicating with all of the devices in the installation. If there is lot’s of noise or poor communication signals to the PLM then the system will not perform reliably or intermittently rendering many of the devices useless and inoperative causing the customer to have ongoing problems with the control system.

More details on hard wired and wireless lighting can be explored further at these links:

Link 1:

Link 2:


xLobby Insteon Fact Sheet

 PDF File Link: xLobby Insteon Fact Sheet


Wes Black

xLobby xPad Interface Diagrams

The xLobby xPad system provides complete control over xLobby and can also interface and control any device connected to the system through IR, RS232, IP-UDP network commands. Any tablet device can now become a universal remote control system for any type of A\V equipment.

itouch xLobby Control

xPad Device Control Diagram

xPad Interface to Hardware

xPad Hardware Control Diagram

Wes Black

xLobby Update January 2011

Just a quick news update on a few things we are working on….! The xNet Ipad, Android based web interface is being updated weekly, so keep checking your xLobby bleeding edge updates in setup for new features and improvements.

xLobby Redirect Command Screenshot

xLobby Screenshot, New xnet redirect command. (Client Server Command) This new command provides a simple method for sending commands to other xLobby systems on your network. The redirect command must be the first item in the event all events after it will be sent to the specified xLobby on the network. Further details and examples will be posted soon.

xLobby New IR-RS232 Sidebar Screenshot

xLobby Screenshot, New Control Side panel menu. The new left side control panel in the skin editor will provide a more efficient way to create simple user interfaces and add IR, RS232 commands, this is a work in progress and considered beta, available in the current xLobby V3 release.

xLobby Template Example

xLobby Screenshot, Screen Template concept. This will eventually make it into a future release of xLobby and will provide a simple method for us and users to add premade screens for everyone to upload-download, to use and share with other users. All feedback is welcome or any additional ideas or features requests.


This news post is subject to changes and updates.

Wes Black