A early bleeding edge xLobby V3 update is available today showing our new IR Device menu with some of the new features. The final release will be downloadable on Friday with the Port tester and Help tabs enabled. 4000 plus devices, Over 100,000 IR codes are builtin and accessable. Move IR devices from the Master Database to the User Database for quick & easy access to frequently used IR commands.

xlobby Remote Control New IR Menu

Screenshot of the New IR Device Menu in the skin editor.

Original xLobby Universal Remote Control News Post:



The new IR Devices menu adds more power and flexibility to the xLobby platform. Now xLobby can be a cost effective, powerful control only solution using virtualy any web enabled device. Extensive Installer friendly tools and features are constantly being added to provide for a simple design and development platform for control interfaces, customize screens for each device individually by screen size or customers requirements.

Port Tester:

The port tester tab provides troubleshooting and testing assistance of single or multiple IR ports. The test offers features to send a single IR command in a sequence to multiple IR ports or to a single port for a fixed period or in loop cycled sequences. Users can select any IR code from the xLobby IR code library to send. These tools provide assistance to the installer for testing and troubleshooting devices and IR delivery systems. See the screenshots below. It’s also easy to drag and drop Pronto based IR code directly into the IR Code text box.

xLobby Skin Editor IR Port Tester

Port Tester, Default Menu Screenshot

xLobby Skin Editor IR Use In Port Tester

Port Tester, Use In Port Tester Selection Menu Screenshot

xLobby Skin Editor IR Port Tester with selected device

Port Tester, Device IR Command Shown In Port Tester Menu Screenshot



The help menu tab provides valuable information on using the new IR Device menu and outlines details and methods of learning IR commands.

Sort devices by manufacture or by Model number by selecting the column headers at the top of the database.


xLobby Screenshot Updates IR Codes

xLobby Update Tab under Alt + F2 setup. The updates now include the IR Code Library. Select the IR Code check box to upload the current database. If the check box is already checked during an update this means new IR codes have been added to the database.


Future Design additions in later releases:

1. Labeled design elements to show IR commands are present, see the screenshot below.


xLobby IR Control Screenshot 


Wes Black