The room has finally taken shape. There is still more work to be done but the room is basically ready for training and customer demos.
Things to finish:
1. WACI integration
2. Add automated shade
3. More Calrad hardware, scalers, baluns (For training purposes)
4. More UPB hardware
xLobby rack images with wire management cleanup underway. Rear views of (1) xLobby Standard client, (1) xLobby Blu-Ray client, Yamaha stereo receiver, Insteon and UPB modules. xLobby RF remote receiver for 95-1074TSR, 92-161 IR Distribution, WACI Controller, 40-1071 HDMI Balun.
xLobby rack image with Wi-Fi wireless access point, (1) xLobby Mini client, NAS and external USB hard drives.
GE-NX-8 Security system image, controlled by xLobby
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Wes Black