Apple changed the back end structure a month ago - I've been sitting on the updated code trying to find time to make some more changes, sorry about that.
v2.1 Highlights/Changes:
Executable must be placed in Xlobby\Plugins directory
- XML Schema change - DELETE your old trailers db before running the new version
- default db xml file is Xlobby\Databases\trailers.xml
- default coverart directory is Xlobby\plugins\covers
- Fixed code to match iTunes backend update
- DIRECTOR field removed, no longer available from Itunes
- RUNTIME field added
- SIZE field now accepts 480, 720, and 1080 (HD links)
- size code will now link to the largest available trailer up to the SIZE specified; ie if you put 720 as SIZE but only Medium is available you'll ge the link to the medium trailer
- pulling higher resolution cover by default when available
- added /lowres option to force low resolution cover download
- increased default timeout from 5000 to 10000
- made a couple of code/speed improvements
- updated SortTitle code to process "A" and "An"
- /db and /covers command line parameters now support Xlobby path options of:
"root://" - The XLobby root directory.
"skin://" - The XLobby skin directory.
"directory://" - A path under the XLobby root directory.
"\\WindowsShareName" - standard windows share path designation
Special thanks to Jack Simbach, aka
spencer171 for the Xlobby path options idea and code from the
XscriptNG Plugin!
Download links for executable and src in 1st post. Let me know if you find any issues...
good luck,