This plugin is a drop in replacement for the old Plugin, no script changes should be necessary. All you should have to do is change the plugin name in your events.
- *Compiles all scripts the first time they are run - eliminates the memory leak that was occurring with repeated executions of the same script
*Supports VB.NET and C# - use the correct file extension (you can also set a default)
*Adds a new configuration dialog allowing you to add your own references and namespaces which should be visible in your scripts.
*Allows setting a "startup" script which will execute when the plugin is loaded.
*Allows you to hook into XLobby events (currently only a few XLobby events are defined - hopefully, Steven will change that)
*Scripts can now be loaded from the current skin directory, the XLobby root directory, and the old XScript scripts directory.
*Additional functions added to the Xlobby interface - SetXlobbyVar, SendCommand with variable parameters.
*Ability to support the root://, skin://, and directory:// shortcuts through the ResolvePath function
*Ability to define additional classes
*Ability to execute a code fragment (i.e. just put the code you want, and it will run, no messing around with functions, classes, and modules)
Please see the Help file found in the linked zip file for more information about the new functionality.
Also included in the zip file are several example files (in both C# and VB.NET) to help you get started using the functionality provided by this plugin.
Furthermore, I have also included the complete source to the plugin as well. It is under the BSD license (which basically means you can do what you want with it so long as the copyright stays in the source).
Unfortunately, I don't really have access to somewhere to upload this (I don't have the bandwidth necessary on my connection to do it myself). So, I have used a free site to host it. Hopefully, someone will be able to host this someplace more suitable - I apologize for the racier images (to my knowledge, no nudity) on the download page.
UPDATE: See Baddabing's Post below for new download link.
In any case, please let me know what you think. I may be slow to respond to questions, I am pretty busy with work.
Special thanks to dalanik for helping me test this new plugin.