Well, I am still on pre-beta free Xlobby...following others lead, I just associated .xpl filetype with PowerDVD 7.3 in windows filemanger and bammo I can double click the .xpl in windows and PowerDVD launches and started playback.
I then added a new database using the movie template and added .xpl to the filetypes list and bammo my HD movies are accessible in Xlobby.
Now I need some elegance! My file structure is just like on an HD DVD
XPL location:
\\Movie Name\ADV_OBJ\*.XPL
EVO/MAP Location:
\\Movie Name\HVDVD_TS\*.EVO, *.MAP
Cover Art Location:
\\Movie Name\*.png
Problem is that in my normal DVD rips, it does not matter if I have the files in a DVD like structure eg \VIDEO_TS\*.ifo or a flat structure with coverart and IFO, all in the movie name directory. I click the coverart in Xlobby and bammo TT 2.4 launches and plays back the DVD. With the HD rips, Xlobby doesn't know to launch the movie when I click the cover art. Instead it digs down and shows me the \ADV_OBJ directory, and then when I click on the ADV_OBJ directory, it launches the movie. How do I set up xlobby so that it launches the movie without the second click?