Some random ideas i had, may not be practical...
1 - have love, hate buttons feature like Pandora, i always hate the odd track on every CD and i thought an idea would be if you were listening to say a global shuffle playlist or album, if a track plays you don't like you could hit the hate button and it sets a flag in the database to ignore this track next time. The cat could show a red flag against that track to allow you to unset it if your tastes change. Likewise if you like one, you hit love it button and it tells the database that this is a preferred track and should be played more often than not in a playlist...
2 - creating a playlist on the go - lets say again i'm listening to a global shuffle of all tracks or an all artist playlist etc and i like certain tracks that play, i could hit a "create live playlist" button that then sets up a blank playlist, then you have a add track button that as a track is playing and i think i would like that in a playlist you hit add track and it starts to populate a playlist, then as each track is played from other artists you can start to build up a playlist. When you are done, hit save and then rename it what you want. You then have a playlist of tracks you have enjoyed listening to during that session...
Just some things i would like, they may not be possible or seem practical to others...