Sorry if this reply is incomplete, but I just spent over 45 minutes typing-up a full tutorial on the HTTP Post, but because the stupid (Read: "VERY SHORT") auto-forum-log-out time kicked me out - and Without Any Notification, when I tried to upload the photos I lost everything I typed.
So here's the short version:
HTTP Post triggers are just another way to control XLobby.
You send a command to XLobby via HTTP, and that command is interpreted as a "trigger" (which you have already created), and then you execute whatever event you want. The possibilities are endless - off-site remote control, iphone apps, etc. - If a device can send a "post" command, it can control XLobby. I'm sure the guys on the forum will do WAY cooler stuff than my silly door state interface, but hey, it's a start.
I use the DSP ports on Aroura Multimedia's WACI NX+ to sense the state of 4 relays connected to my alarm panel, and for example: when the WACI detects a "high" (+5V) state on DSP1, it sends the command "door1open" using When the WACI detects a "low" (<+2V) state on DSP1, it sends the post command "door1close" using I set-up the corresponding triggers in XLobby to show or hide button IDs that correspond to the appropriate doors.
- This is how you create HTTP Post "Triggers".
- These are the events that I use for Post Triggers.
- This is a sample of a post trigger with the relevant info.
Hope that helps.