by P3rv3rt B3ar on Sat Feb 10, 2007 5:33 am
Oh that is the pretty nice way to do those buttons, i didnt realize... Its very cool, in rikas setup it is pain in the ass to change language of those cat based buttons... So ill just implement text support too but there is a small catch, ull need to change the field, i wont use display, cause display is one of key fields, which xPerT uses to identify cat items, and since this function is based on changing of those affected fields, i cant quarantee that there wouldnt be problems with using display field. There prolly wouldnt, but we can rather use any other field just in case.
Now this is one of those moments Xlobby surprises me... it still keeps surprising me from time to time, usually positively, but this time surprise was negative. I was hoping that cats could hold different selection, but it seems they dont. To put it in programming terms of OOP, i thought cats were instances of databases and if u would have like two cats A and B derived from Movie database, different movie could be selected on both cats. But no it seems that selections are on database level!
So question raises can somebody really tell me what is the difference between cat and db, cause it is starting to seem like theres none???
I was really hoping, actually assuming that selection would be done on cat level, that would have allowed cat-reuse. to make it more congreate, if selections would base on cat level it would suffice for Marbles to create cat and dummy kitten per zone to make things work zone by zone basis. But since selection is on database level... he'll need to make new databases for each zone!!!
Now ofcourse that would be unfeasable... and im already thinking a possibility to make cat specific virtual selection managed by xPerT. But this will make things much more bug-prone again and place some restrictions on skinner, but i guess its only way... Mainly im writing this post cause im not believing my eyes... and hoping somebody to wake me up, and saying... "no no no bear, this is how it works..."