by hjackson on Sun Oct 31, 2004 4:32 am
Actually, after writing this up, I decided that I should try it. This method does work but there are a few catches. You have to rename all your "goto" buttons accordingly, and since there are no premade "goto" commands for skins with the "client" prefix, you need to create these goto commands as well. This is done in the Event Manager. Last, you will also need to add your 4x3 backgrounds to the "backgrounds" folder in the widescreen HeavyMetal folder (if you don't do this, Xlobby will display a black background, which doesn't look all that bad with this skin but I digress...). They do not need to be renamed as they already have a unique name from the widescreen backgrounds. I hope you aren't adverse to doing some tweaking with this whole thing because it works well when you do.
And thanks again for asking this question. It made me get off my butt and think of a solution to MY client problem!