I'm in the process of building an unRAID server at the moment (
http://www.lime-technology.com/joomla/), if anybody is interested I'll post some pics when I'm done and let you know of my experiences.
If anybody is running one how are you finding it?
Been running the Basic version of it for the past year. Been using v4.3, and it hasn't given me a reason to upgrade to the latest. Been using 2x750G and a 500Gig hard drives. The one 750 only has 6Gigs left of free space, and the 500 has under 50 left. Hoping for Christmas wishes to come true, and get a couple of larger hard drives (new parity and data drive). If that happens, I'm going to upgrade to at least to plus, and have 1.5T parity, 1.5T data, 2x750G data. The 500 will then be a spare until I either get a SATA expansion card, or use in a different system altogether.
I only had one issue with my server, otherwise it has run flawlessly. For some reason at one point, I was getting a ton of drive errors, both on the data and parity drives. I did a parity check, and everything seemed fine, cleared the error buffer, and I never had another issue about it, so I don't really know what happened to it. I've got more info on my google site about my UnRAID build. Gotta admit, it is my least troublesome system...strange, as it is the only one not using Windows
. Your gonna absolutely love it.
Have a Merry Christmas and a great New Years. Keep up the awesome skins.