by jmb295 on Wed Jun 22, 2005 1:23 pm
The tvpi file is a xml file definition that is compatible with the majority of software for recording tv programs. It contains all the information about the program such as channel, title, start time, end time, ect..
What dabdig does when you send it the record command is generate a .tvpi file with the information you send it (that is if you have configured the tvpi parameters). If you execute the file that is generated, then the default program registered for handling that file type picks it up and schedules the program.
If I take the command from your saved file and run it on the shell, then the tvpi file is generated and executed. At that point a window pops up on my screen with all the correct info and asks to hit ok. Once I get it working I'll automate that part so I don't have to click the button anymore, but for now I want to see and make sure everyting is setup correctly.
When let the windows task scheduler execute the command dabdig generates the correct .tvpi file. But the file is not executed, so I never see the window pop asking me to confirm.
I think that you might not be using the tvpi portion of dabdig, it has to be configured in it's ini. The only one in the dabdig config that would work with the myHD card is the tvpi option, and that should be the most general of all.
Thanks for the minute enhancement!