Random Mode Play list issues

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Random Mode Play list issues

Postby escort on Fri Jun 30, 2006 4:36 am

When I select random mode and then go to the play list, it is not correct. Is there something I am doing wrong? Example. I hit Random, I then go to the play list, it still shows the listing of songs in order, not how they are being played.
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Re: Random Mode Play list issues

Postby dalanik on Fri Jun 30, 2006 7:54 am

escort wrote:When I select random mode and then go to the play list, it is not correct. Is there something I am doing wrong? Example. I hit Random, I then go to the play list, it still shows the listing of songs in order, not how they are being played.

This is OK, this is how it behaves. The list is always the same - wehn you hit SHUFFLE, it jumps randomly to the next song, it doesn't change the ORDER of the songs in a list...

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A fix

Postby escort on Wed Jul 05, 2006 3:48 am

Is there a way to have it see the active que????
Posts: 41
Joined: Sat Mar 25, 2006 12:07 am

Postby Marbles_00 on Wed Jul 05, 2006 3:21 pm

If you are playing randomly, you can't really have an active que, or knowing more than one song in advance as it randomly plays whatever. Meaning a list would be useless as it would always be changing...every song. This would most likely drive most people nuts, one reason for only knowing the next song to be played "limit". It also really isn't up to Xlobby, as Xlobby retreives the information from Winamp (or Foobar), so if those players aren't doing it, then Xlobby won't be doing it either.

Hope this was helpful.
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Postby S Pittaway on Wed Jul 05, 2006 4:35 pm

i know what he means...

most of the time i hit play all and then shuffle and let it play whatever it feels like (i guess a lot opf people do the same?)

and i hate the way it works...

i cant get back to the last track (i thought it was a wank song then realised that it was great JUST as i pressed next)...

it also seems to play the same songs over and over again (its got 8000 tracks to chose from, so why do i keep getting ac-dc? :))

It would be nicer if it built up a proper random playlist which it then played in order - that way next/prev tracks work as expected and you can stop it from playing the same tracks over and over again...

You can also make sure that it the next track is from a differant artists and album. and you can also put recently played tracks at the bottom of the list.

If you add rattings to tracks you could also bais it in favour of them as well...

i am currently knocking up a plugin to try and do this, but its only half done...

So far, it stores the last played times for each track (it does this automatically in the background whenever a track is played) and it lets you add ratings to individual tracks (or set every track on a album).

When xlobby is shut down (or you ask the plugin to save it) it writes the track info back into the music database so you can search/filter on (stars (* to *****), played and lastplayed).

Because it caches the info i have had to stick some code so you can display the (current) rating/last played times for each track in your skin without having to save/refresh the music database.

It also works out lastplayed/ratings for the albums based on there track details....

That side now works (more or less) so all i have to do is build up a playlist that sorts the tracks properly :)

You never know, i might get round to finishing it off one day :)
S Pittaway
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