xMusic:database.add.extra.fields (which will add the extra tags to the new mp3's)
xtopPicks:Refresh All (which will created the xTopPicks-Music DB which will contain 50 (configurable to any number) entries sorted by date starting with the most recently added tracks.
Your refresh:music event would contain two XSend commands. Seperate them with a short wait state if need be. They will both be os:execute commands pointing at your XSend.exe.
For the first command, under Arguements, add the line:
- Code: Select all
"plugin:command:xMusic:database.add.extra.fields" "PORT#" "IP ADDRESS"
The second command, under Arguements, add the line:
- Code: Select all
"plugin:command:xtopPicks:Refresh All" "PORT#" "IP ADDRESS"
PORT# and IP ADDRESS are the computer you want to command. That computer, of course requires the XReceive plugin, and its config file (plugins/XReceive/config.ini) defines the IP/Port. By default it is and will accept XSend commands on its own machine.
A good way of checking is to goto any computer that has XSend.exe on it, and open a command prompt. Type in the commands above (starting with Xsend of course), and you should be able to perform your exact task on the server, without even performing the function on the server itself.
I would like to see the ability to run multiple commands per XSend.exe. This would open up options in Mirage to perform multiple tasks when selecting a menu item...say to change my play icon to a stop icon, stop any music, close a thin client shell, then exit xlobby. Now that would be really
. To let you know also, I'm sending XSend>plugin commands to control the PervTalk/kXd from one machine to the music server. Its basically how I described above...especially looking at the source control, as I slide the mixer settings min, then slide the particular mixer setting of the source I want to max. In all, I'm sending 5 consecutive XSend commands per source selection. That Event Group is huge, and a royal PITA to set up...thank God for TextPad/Notepad, and copy/paste
If I get a chance...mainly to get caught up to speed on both xMusic, and xtopPicks, which...the way I operate...will be later this year
, I will give it a whirl myself. I'm just now starting to try xMusic, as I never tried it with ZoneSkin4 as I recall the issue of it only being 1 zone friendly. Though Mirage is a different entity with which I could greatly utilize this plugin. XtopPicks I just have to try as anything from Defrag is pretty
stuff, and well worth while.