I just downloaded the Xlobby2 and under the settings I placed the "winamp.exe" location. Then I imported all of my music. I went back to the main menu and then enetered the music section. All the albums are there but I cannot play them for some reason. I hit the play button and nothing happens. Am I doing something wrong, can someone help me w/ this please.
Now that I have all the albums imported there are numerous album covers that are missing. How do I go about importing album covers?
Last...(for now) I downloaded the InColby skin and placed it in it's own folder within the skin folder of Xlobby. When I goto select the InColby skin all that shows up being available is the default skin. What do I need to do w/ this?
I would like to thank whom ever is able to help this newbie out w/ Xlobby.
I appreciate anything you can do to simplify these issues.
Thank You,
Chris Amisano