I think it would be useful (certainly for me ) to append the current date to a record when it is imported, it certainly wouldn't hurt.
I do this already by passing all my files through ant renamer before a refresh which appends the current date to the end of the file name, then I use a meta mask to grab the value and put it in a date field. I can then sort the list in reverse order by date, so I get to see my newest stuff first.
Whilst this works well for me, external fixes like this are more useful as test cases than a mass solution, therefore rolling this functionality into xlobby makes sense.
This could be implemented via a tick box in the template creator UI to tell xlobby whether to amend the current date or not.
As you can see in my skin all the supporting functions are now implemented and working. (except I am sorting the date the wrong way round on this eTvio screenshot, OOpps, I will fix that shortly!)
My XiVo skin can be downloaded here: