by byellin on Fri Sep 10, 2004 6:20 pm
Thanks. You brought me back into the tent. I feel better now. Whew!
So thats how it all relates. Play button is hit, play movie event kicks off the category:execute, which looks up the right program for the file type, and then does the online/offline bit, decides to launch the player (TT in this case), then runs the Start Event (load tt playlist) associated with it, then executes the file associated with it passing the switches as appropriate. Then runs the End Event which take us back to the screen. This is now is beginning to make some sense. (the thigh bone's connected to the........) You know the drill.
But my problem still comes back to answering the simple (maybe not so simple) question of why the %title% variable is never loaded or substituted in the switch expression ( "E:\%title%\video_ts.ifo" ) as it is entered in the file types table before TT kicks off. Is it a (duh!) syntax problem? Shouldn't this work? The only think I can think of is the load tt playlist is responsible for loading the movie %<variable>%s and somehow they are not getting populated. So, I tried E:\category>movie>title\video_ts -(what the h--l? nothing else worked). No cigar.
BTW, does the <category>:execute routine write out the commandline.txt file that I found? Anyone?
Someone out there with TT has got to have gotten this to work. Help.