by jlr2000 on Thu Sep 08, 2005 11:15 pm
lar282 / Colby -
I've had some success, thanks to your questions I looked deeper into the "start event". The default skin had several things happening when a movie was started accornding to the start event, of them was "new playlist" "play trailers" plus another trailer event. I deleted the play trailer stuff since I don't want or need that functionality. BOOM - load times for vobs went to about 3 seconds and ISO are about 6 or 7 seconds. I can't complain about the additional 3-4 seconds overhead for mounting the ISO, it's easy enough to rip the vobs out of the iso for increased speed. Thanks again for your responses- they helped me stumble in the right direction. I've almost got the skin the way I want it, just a couple nagging issues:
1. Can I set the mouse cursor to hide unless active (moved)?
2. I'd love for a "minimize" button to be on my main movies page, there's one on the main page, but I use "movies" as my startup screen and would like to have a button for it (or at least map a key/remote key to do this without a visible button)
I'm really trying to figure this out on my own, but any suggestions would be great. XL is such a great program, the more I figure out the more I realize just how flexible it if there was more time in the day! THANKS!!