LovingHD is looking for some help and I don't use girder with XLobby so I thought maybe you could lend a hand.
I've got it working with my ppc but now need to get my remote working as this is my main means of controlling sage.
I currently use Girder and the WinLIRC plugin to control Sage. I have all my remote command setup to sendmessage commands to Sage. Its been working well for a couple years. I'm a little hesitant to open this can of worms, but I need to.
I downloaded the girder2xlobby plugin, and created an xlobby.xml file from SageMC. I now have a list of commands that it parsed from Xlobby that I need to link to my remote inside Girder.
I understand some simple ones, like xlobby:up, will go to my up key. But what do I do with the multi-use commans like play? Is there an xlobby version of these commands that I need to use so that xlobby can control the correct program? I believe that play is used for music, zoomplayer, and sage with xlobby handling all the details, but I have to tell xlobby somehow that I hit the play buttton. I did not see an xlobby:play command in the xml file and believe that if I link the play key to sagetv:play for example, it will only work under sagetv.
Hoping you could enlighten me.
OK, maybe I've figured out something.
It appears that I will need to create an event for each of the ircommand that you have created in the ir dirctory. When I do this I can assign them a wparam/lparam pair and then use Girder to call them.
Is this correct?
Now, off to figure out how to create the events. Looks like a perl script to convert the ir command xml file to an event xml file would work best
ok, here's what you do, xlobby can recieve wparam/lparam you should be able to retarget you existing commands to events in xlobby. i think you should use girder to direct all it's sendmessages to xlobby and let xlobby redirect, i suspec that the delay will be nonexistant and this will allow for multiuse commands
this is similar to why i disable my usb-uirt because you don't want play doing to both programs, you only need it to goto one program and let that program decide what to do with it based on what you are doing
i wish i knew more about the girder plugin i think you should be able to assign the same trigger to multiple events like you can with IR
So I should be able to link my play command in girder to the xlobby music:play, zoom:play, and sagetv:play commands and then xlobby will forward the appropriate command to the right place.
I'll give that a shot.
Any help for this guy?