rika wrote:add a xmovewindow that vill grab your favorite player on the player screen and if you like some play,pause etc. buttons too.
Right, i've done the folder browser thing, and it works, but i cant actually see what is selected?
Also, could you explain the xmovewindow and getting the play pause etc up in more detail - it would be brill if i could get buttons that controlled the player in a more 'native' xlobby style!
Edit: Sorted the selection problem!
Edit2: One other thing i'd like is a button that Automatically went to a folder within the root of the browsing directory called "To Watch" - is there any way to do that?
Edit3: May as well add one final thing to this: Is there any way to use the category> text thing to show directory content preview or something? Is there a list of all the commands that you can use with that? I know name works...
Edit4: Ok, not the final thing afterall - can you make shortcuts work? i have some shortcuts to folders in there which i would like it to open normally! And can you remove file extensions?