Don't know. May be hard. However. I just launch an other application, not full screen, in front of xlobby on a separate xlobby screen. The xlobby screen stays in the background and if I touch it (only to ga back to main menu or close aplication) xlobby reacts. You might add a command to the buttons in xlobby to set focus to your apllication after being touched.
The only way I have been able to successfully do this is if the application has an always on top option. Zoomplayer for example can do this. I don't know if it is even possible to create a "hole" in the xlobby overlay which is what you are looking for I think. Is there a specific application you are looking to do this with? It might be able to be done with a plugin
I wanna use dscaler.exe like this. I guess what I want is a plugin, you're right. How hard is it to do this? I don't want any option at all, just starting the exe with a predefined size(must be changeble). All the options in dscaler can be made with a ini file so it should be so hard.
OR even better. A general EXE plugin with 3 inputs.
1/: name and path to exe file
2/ Size
3/ Location on screen
Can one of use guys do it for me? Must be more than me that should benefit from this?
I believe Dscaler has an always on top option. Not sure if the setting is "remembered", I don't use it so I can't check. As for writing plugins, steven hasn't released the information needed to do this yet, AFAIK. I suggest you check in the dscaler forum to see if there are any commandline switch options or other ways you can launch dscaler and get the settings you want.
Xlobby is underneath the dscaler. It works pretty good but the way I described it above is way better.
I'll just wait for the release of info from steven. I guess I was hoping that creating a generall plugin for a exe file was easy and that somebody had the skills to do it.
So what you are saying is that xlobby doesn't have focus? What happens if you click on xlobby on the taskbar? Does it cover dscaler or does dscaler stay on top?
thanks for the tip chad in the chat room. It works. I hide the dscaler windows but the hell do I turn the focus back on xlobby. Is there a special function for that or is that what is callled "show overlay"?
The girder function for getting focus does not work. Due to a windows limitation, only the active application can give focus to another window. There is however a program that I use to do it, I found it on the girder forum.
You can use it via girder or xlobby. It takes the class name or window name as an arguement and it works very well. I use it to pass focus between xlobby and sagetv.