Offline (unavailable) movie trailer options

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Offline (unavailable) movie trailer options

Postby bfauska on Mon May 01, 2006 9:07 am

I am using Colby's skin and when I am browsing my movies I love the feature that allows me to watch a movies trailer to remind myself what a movie is supposed to be about. I don't however have all of the trailers for all of my movies (some dvd's don't provide them) so when I try to play the trailers for the movies without trailers zoomplayer launches and does nothing or plays the last played file (depending on the ZP settings) I would like to be able to have a message pop up saying that the trailer is unavailable and allow me to return to browsing rather than going to ZP to watch the wrong thing. My problem is that I don't know of a way I can do an "offline" event with out it being a "file type" event. I have all of my trailers in a DB with my complete collection listed so that I know the ones which are "offline" and "online" I just don't know how to implement this information so that I don't get this problem behavior anymore.

If anybody could help me create a offline event that is specific to "view trailer" that would be fantastic. On the otherhand if anybody knows where I might find downloadable trailers for my missing ones that would be even better.

Any help would be great, thanks,
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