homepc wrote:Ok, no that the TV works, I need to get the EPG to work. I cant seem to use the one provided in XLTVConfig.exe. Under the tuners tb, when I select the K!TV and click load, under the K!TV Channels they all say 1:<NO> throught 90:<NO>. When I try to move them over to the XLTV side, all I see there is KTV.<NO>.
did you setup the channel name in k!tv ?
Under the EPG tab, I have no idea what URL is my service. Is there a way to find this out? In the meantime, I used a program called XMLTV GUI to download my channels in a XML format. I'm not sure wht name XL wants the file in and where I should put it. Just as a test, I named the file, epg.xml, data.xml, and xltv.xml and I put all three in the plugins\xltv\xmltv folder. Now when I start XL, during the loading process it gets and error at, "Building Guide: Data" and gives me this reason:
first, delete files .dtd and .xml from the repertory \Xlobby\xmltv\
then use xmltv to build an xmltv.xml file, place this file where you want
and in xltvconfig section epg, add a new epg with the path to the xmltv.xml file and uncheck "uncompress", dont forget to press "set" then press grab
make the association and create your favori group ( you need 1 group minimun...)