I have been struggling for the last few days to get what I hope to be a seemingly straightforward thing to work in the latest version of Xlobby V3. I am sure it is because I am just missing something obvious, but I just can't seem to figure it out.
When I select a movie out of my listing I want to have two choices for playing via independent buttons. One button "Quick Play" plays just the movie. The other button is for "Full Play" which will play both specific intro files and random files from various categories before proceeding to the selected movie.
Here are the steps I have completed (which hasn't worked).
1. Establish new Custom Event Group entitled “ARGYLL”
a. XLobby skin and event management (hit ALT-Pause/Break to get there)
b. Select "Events”
c. Under the Event Group listbox select Add while at the highest level of the group (i.e. not under skins, etc.)
d. Create the Event Group called "ARGYLL"
e. Establish three events under the group:
i. PlaySansIntro
ii. PlayShortIntro
2. Edit the newly created PlaySansIntro event and define as follows: <----- This one is working just fine btw
a. Add “category/execute” -> Category Name “movies”
b. Add “xlobby/close overlay”
c. Save
3. Edit the newly created PlayShortIntro event and define as follows:
a. Add “video playlist/new playlist"
b. Add "video playlist/play trailer" -> Path "C:\TRAILERS\Personal Intro\Intro-Matrix.vob"
c. Add "video playlist/play random from path" -> Extensions "C:\TRAILERS\Previews\*.mov" <---- Would be nice if I could specify how many to play randomly
d. Add "video playlist/play random from path" -> Extensions "C:\TRAILERS\Previews\*.mov"
e. Add "video playlist/play random from path" -> Extensions "C:\TRAILERS\THX\*.m2ts"
f. Add "video playlist/play random from path" -> Extensions "C:\TRAILERS\Dolby\*.m2ts"
g. Add “category/execute” -> Category Name “movies”
h. Add “xlobby/close overlay”
d. Save
4. I copied the standard 'Play' button and changed it to read 'sPlay' and dragged my newly defined PlayShortIntro event to this button.
When I press the new 'sPlay button TheaterTek launches correctly based upon the File Types defined under setup (ALT-F2), however only the movie plays. None of the playlist information appears to be getting through. I am using the %playlist% variable within the File Types tab. I realize I could have created a 'Start Event' for the TheaterTek launch, but as I outlined in my objective statement, I want the option upon movie selection.
Ideas, suggestions, alternatives to reach the objective?
Oh, and for those wondering, I have the proper codec stack to play the Blu-Ray .m2ts files via TheaterTek leveraging the NVIDIA hardware so the CPU is only being hit like 10%. This works great outside of XLobby V3 if I hand create a '.plt' file.
Any and all help greatly appreciated!