So I started to look at creating a plugin that would allow you to edit the xlobby DBs directly from a button. I quickly realized that I am a little over my head and fortunately/unfortunately have just recently started a new job so I dont have the time I'd like to look at it. I thought maybe someone with more knowledge than I might like to look at it.
I want a function that will take a movie name as a parameter like category>movie>name and will allow you to create a db field (if it doesn't exist) and pass a value to that field. I have a number of movies defined with personal ratings (1-4 stars). I want to be able to assign ratings based on a button/group of buttons in XL. In order to do this, I think you would need to parse the moviesdb and find the correct root element, then check for the existence of the child node "stars". If there, assign valus based on the button pressed which would justchange an agument 1-4. This would then map to a particular PNG for that number.
I can add the fields via the db editor easily, but it is really time consuming to go through the xml file and change the ratings there...It would be much nicer if you could do it through the UI.