Question though, I notice that when my mouse moves over a program in the epg, I see all the information about that program. Can I assume that event is internal to the plugin? What I mean is that there is nothing I had to do to get this to work. But, if I wanted to click on a program and actually watch it on K!TV, is there an event that I would have to call?
Data is retrieved from internal EPG of XLobby
If you want to click on an event and have ktv change the channel (or program the event for recording) you have to strictly follow the configuration step of xltv (see the doc and mainly take a look at the xltv skin given with the plugin), it uses all features of the plugin. Take a look at the events used in this skin.
Also, while I'm thinking about it, in xlobby, I rarely use the mouse because its for my projector in my family room. I do have a keyboard there and I use that for navigation. When I'm on the menu screen, and I press the down arrow on the keyboard, it moves down one item at a time, perfect, but when I use the up arrow key, it skips some. It doesn't go up item by item. How can I control this?
This is a xlobby matter, it is not related to xltv, may be you better have to start a new post to have an answer on this specific issue