Hi Guys,
I'm in the middle of building my second home theater and am upto the point i have a picture from the PJ and HTPC etc and everything is groovy. I'm running with a Xantech IR distribution hack for controling my AV kit and PJ and using a ATI remote for controling theatertek and its a little kludgey but i can watch things.
I've just bought a progear touch screen webpad (win98 IIRC) with the idea of controling TT via it and using the HTPC to squirt out IR via a USB-UIRT to control the other AV stuff.
I've downloaded Xlobby and just had a quick play and i can't seem to figure out how to play a simple movie via the DVD-rom drive. I don't have the time/patient/space to rip my ever expanding 650+ movies for a DB style thingy, though viewing the DVD-profiler DB to choose would be nice, i'm happy manualy selecting the DVD and putting it in the drive.
I'm also interested in macros that will turn off the lights (futronix p400), when play is paused a light setting comes up etc
Can i do this with Xlobby ???