Touch Screen Support

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Touch Screen Support

Postby BaddaBing on Fri Aug 24, 2007 12:04 am

In reading the CALRAD website info regarding Xlobby, I notice that touch screen support is only listed under the professional version.
I don't understand how XL would prevent a user from having either dual video cards or a dual head video card and running XL on one screen, especially since a touchscreen is no more than a glorified mouse input. What exactly does this mean? I would appreciate some clarification on this.
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Re: Touch Screen Support

Postby P3rv3rt B3ar on Fri Aug 24, 2007 12:13 am

I believed its based on new "mouse trap" code devised by Wes which detects holes in mousepath... when hole is detected and pro flag aint present, either forbidden touchscreen or pen interface must be in use and xlobby will kill itself... sorry touchscreen only per version :D 8)
P3rv3rt B3ar
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Re: Touch Screen Support

Postby cooldog on Fri Aug 24, 2007 2:24 am

Baddabing, thanks for pointing this out. I had not noticed it, and this would be a deal-killer for me.

As a matter of fact, I'd like to find out just what it's going to cost me for three xLobby Pro licenses, ASAP, because if it is unrealistically high, I might as well start working on an alternative right now.

Girder 4 Whole Home (unlimited # of machines) Pro cost me $149. That was quite reasonable, and I'd be willing to pay somewhat more for a Whole Home version of xLobby Pro. But not a LOT more. I've already got a home automation system, so including home automation is of no extra value to me. I've already bought enough media players, so including a media player internally is of no value to me, unless it will play absolutely *every* media format under the sun, without any configuration on my part. If it did that, I'd be interested, and count that as a reason to spend more $$$. Of course, that would have to come with a commitment of support --- Calrad says "show us something that won't play and we'll push out an update to you within three weeks", or something along those lines. As nice as that sounds, I doubt it will happen.

'm kind of bummed out at this point ... I've already thrown a good bit of money at xLobby, and a lot of time, and it's only recently that my system is really starting to "gel", and get fairly close to what I want ... and based on the info available, it's beginning to look like there is a strong possibility that the time and money were wasted, and that it's time to switch horses yet again.

If and when I do, it's going to have to be an open-source, GPL'd project.

To be honest, the reason that things are finally coming together has nothing to do with the new features in the pre-release versions, and everything to do with my giving up on DVD-Profiler, and starting to use Ant Movie Catalog and the XAntMovie plugin, neither of which, it must be noted, are actually part of xLobby.

So, I guess it comes down to these questions:

1) What is it going to cost to have the same functionality we had in xLobby2 (whole house, touchscreens, plugins)

2) What will Calrad do for those of us who have financially or otherwise supported the development of xLobby.

3) When will we find out?
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Re: Touch Screen Support

Postby wesblack on Fri Aug 24, 2007 5:51 am

No decision has been made on Touch Screen support and how each version will be treated with features, etc. . The origional post we made was just an example and is by no means a accurate list of how the feaures will be broken down. We are working as fast as we can to get the final version of xLobby completed so we can create an accurate list. We know most existing users have invested money into 3rd party software for home automation and other programs to make there systems do what they want but xLobby as a whole must have these fetures built-in as well. I think many users will find what we have come up with to be very exciting and powerful, think of being able to add and mix events from xlobby to widgets to other devices by IR, RS232, and IP controlled devices all within xLobby without having to string many differnt programs together or write complicated events or code to make a needed event or function to achieve your desired result.

As soon as Steven is happy with the latest version and how it works and looks we will post some screen shot's. We hope to be able to do this with in 1 week to 10 day's as Cedia is getting close. Most likely the final details about pricing and xLobby versions will have to wait until shorly after the show.

Steven and I have discussed several idea's on releasing the software to existing users for a substanually reduced price for a limited time, maybe 30 day's etc., 1 license per user as well as additional discounted license's for user's that need them for multiple machines. Special arrangements will be made to those user's that have contributed to the success of xLobby and have put in there fair share of time and support on the forum and assisted in making xLobby better. The 30 day time frame may also be the only time to purchase xLobby-Pro as Calrad, "may only release the software with the hardware only as a complete package". Any user's that purchase xLobby-Pro for this limited time will receive free updates for the first year and have the option to purchase future upgrades at reduced pricing. For those that are not interested in the new versions and where xLobby is going, please continue to use the last free version that Steven released and enjoy your systems. More details on the Lite and Basic versions will be announced in September.

Please remember that we are trying to make existing xLobby user's happy as well as move xLobby into a professional platform that performs the way system integrators and installers need. When the official new version is released a 30 day trial download will be available for anyone interested in trying it out first to see if is to there liking. A complete list of features will also assist users on making intelligent decisions to upgrade to the new verion as well.

Please continue to visit xLobby's website over the next 30 day's for future announcements on pricing and details of xLobby software.

Wes Black \ Calrad
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Re: Touch Screen Support

Postby rika on Fri Aug 24, 2007 8:22 am

Tanks for the info Wes.
I know we are a lot of people in status-Q , just waitig to see what you will come up with.

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Re: Touch Screen Support

Postby smarty on Fri Aug 24, 2007 2:49 pm

Thanks for the reply Wes. I sure hope that the extra fee for additional touchscreens throughout the house is "reasonable" I have 3 or maybe even 4 touchscreens. I will be watching the site! 8)
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Re: Touch Screen Support

Postby cmhardwick on Fri Aug 24, 2007 2:59 pm


Thanks for the info. When I kept suggesting integration with other existing HA products such as PowerHome, Indigo, Homeseer, etc, I wasn't meaning to the EXLUSION of built-in HA support. I did mean in addition, for those of us that have it in place. Yes, it should be built in as well for those "starting from scratch", of couse. Or if some just want to go to the "one stop shop" so to speak so they don't have all the other code, etc.

Thanks again for all the work. Anxiously awaiting screenshots, trials, etc.
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xLobby future and pricing discussion

Postby cooldog on Fri Aug 24, 2007 4:47 pm

Folks -- please see my post on this thread:

It's probably a better place for the discussion we're having here ...

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