I know alot of people here are using USB-UIRT's with XL so I figured I would ask here.
I was using a cheap old MCE remote with receiver. I just setup my USB-Uirt and love it...kind of. Everything is working fine, I can bring the computer in and out of standby but the problem is the UIRT stops responding thru Girder. I can see the light on the UIRT itself but Girder does not see any button pushes. If I do an F9 to disable the input devices and then F9 to re-enable it works.
Now I tried the option in the girder plugin to restart the driver after standby and had similar results except sometimes I would get "access violations" upon re-enable or have to restart the PC and find the UIRT device disabled in the device manager
I have since turned off the driver restart in the girder plugin so I can try to duplicate the problem consistently.
So with my test...In XL I can use the remote, I put the computer into standby with the remote, bring it back out of standby and the remote still works. I close XL and the remote does not work. I do the F9 trick and all is working.
There are many discussions on this at the UIRT forums but I see no resolutions One of the main resolutions was to unplug the UIRT and plug it back in...Forget that!!!! I dont want to do that everytime I bring my computer back up. Another suggestion was a powered USB hub which may work....dunno.
Anyone else experience anything similar and what do you do????