You know I like about 90% of the skin but I'm not a fan of the white dividing lines or the layout/navigation on the music page.
I had a few ideas I thought I'd throw your way...
What about making the skin more 3D/layered?
Simular to this very simple example -
basically, where you have the white dividing lines separating sections, what if you made the separations by color differential and raising or lowering the layer? This would give the skin more depth.
What about using semi-transparant layering like I did on my netremote skin? This also allows for depth and separation.
Maybe making layers less geometric and more curved... less straight lines.
As for the music page...
I think naviagation/controls flow better if all the buttons are in the same proxcimity, not some on the top of the screen while others on the bottom. It somewhat breaks the flow and you are looking all over the screen to find the control/function you want.
It makes it easier if the arrows and such are all in the same area, on each screen, this way new users do not need to "look around" each time they encounter a new screen.
Know what I mean?
Maybe it is my personal taste but I've designed quite a few GUIs (web and home automation / home theater) and this method seems to work the best, look the cleanest, and is the easiest to use.
btw... your link is not working