Ok i have just uploaded mapcat testversion as experimental build. U can use download link above.
Note, also like other experimental versions many traditional xPerT features are broken on this one, so original 0.90 version is still only one recommended for nontest use. Experimental build is only meant for kXd users and people who want to test this or other new features. However my believe is tat i can soon provide new bugfix version which should supercede all earlier versions...
For those of u who havent been following "while we r waiting" thread. Mapcat tries to imitate regular cat but its items are mapped to background making it capable for example presenting category of zones over house blueprint. Since pics tell it better than my words:
I was lazy to take new screenshots, so ill be using same which u already saw on the other thread. Note though that black background there is done by collage cat functionality because of png-bug. I wont be releasing collage cats yet cause theyr implementation is still not ready and i havent yet figured out a way to go around the bug. Using just mapcats u wont be affected by the bug however.
Without further ado lets get into the point.
U generate mapcat by following textfield:
- Code: Select all
Where: LABEL is name given to mapcat shared with ID field in conjunction with screenname. CAT is name of dummy cat to be presented on mapcat. LAYOUT quarantees that u can reuse same database on different backgrounds to ensure different perspectives to same cat... just make sure u use same LAYOUT name in database for corresponding entries. PIC is filename of picture to be presented on background of mapcat, or map of the cat if u will. X and Y specifie size of the icon, they take values from range 1-1000, where 1000 means 1 times size of background map and 1 1/1000th of size of background map, these values can be overridden in database for individual items. Also it is possible to replace other one of values with keywords "square" and "original", square means that icon will be square size counted from other value and original means that original aspect ratio is presderved. ICON is filename for general icon which is displayed for item when it has no item specific icon specified to it. ONCLICK gives event to launch when cat is clicked in usual notation "Eventgroup>event", NOP stands for no-operation.
as mentioned above ID-field for mapcat item has to be:
- Code: Select all
To get cat items show on the map pure minium is u need to define their location into database, u need to add fields called:
and give them values from range 1-1000... again this number gives location relative to background map on given axel. U dont need to give exact location since u can move the dot around in skinedit.
If u want item to be selectable by click on area on the map u need also define field:
format of data of field is point1,point2,...,pointN in other words comma separated list of points, where point is given x/y, where x and y can take values from range [-1000,1000], these are relational to the center point of icon given by LAYOUT_x and LAYOUT_y fields. Note that on pure minium u need to give atleast three points, any less wont obviously describe two dimensional area.
U can just give area value of
- Code: Select all
this gives u square area, and later drag it around in skin edit. If u drag corners (white thingy) u can move them aroung, by dragging sides (blue thingy) u can add corners.
If u want to give an individual size for icon of particular item, u can do it with field
this overrides general size given in mapcat variable. format is x/y for example 200/square, this gives u square which is one fifth of the width of background map.
and finally...
if u want (i bet u do) to use individual mapicons for each cat items u need to use field
if u want mapitems to be presented their coverart as their icon u can use following value for this field:
- Code: Select all
where CAT is your dummy cat.
PS. i know this aint best possible documentation on rather complex topic... but im tired about documenting right now... i can answer to questions however.
EDIT also im little puzzled now myself i thought there was a way to override general onclick action for individual items on database... Anycase (in current implementation) individual items when clicked should initiate their parameter-field defined behavior just like in normal categories (that is if there is area defined for item ofcourse)... but i really think i should add something like LAYOUT_action, its long since i was working on this.... cause i was sure it existed...