Spiders: Stills

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Spiders: Stills

Postby tswhite70 on Thu May 04, 2006 10:16 pm

Steven - Currently stills are only available from IMDB.com and only through the the database (F2) spider function. Is there a way you can open this up to spiders in general without too much trouble?

So if I have a spider for whatever database...

Title: (?<title>.*?) </a>
etc... all go into the <Information> section of the xml

<div>(?<variable>.*?) </div>
<img src="(?<still>.*?)"</img>

Takes the section of code in <variable> and regex's for multiple stills creating the proper code for the stills in the xml file:
<still> still1 URL</still>
<still> still2 URL</still>
<still> still3 URL</still>
<still> stillX URL</still>

It would be awesome if the files could automatically downloaded based on parameter path but isn't necessary if we can use the url's.

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