Unfortunately, I could not recover anything from my old hard disk. However, I tried to put together something from memory which may help you. Most of my time was spent on Events section of the skin and you can see how things were setup (picture below). The second "Execute File" is to run TheaterTek. I have also included what's inside the play.bat file. I followed the steps outlined on this forum to import my DVD collection from DVDProfiler.
Once you have the play.bat file working the way you want it, make sure to add "hidden" in the "Window Type" to not see the black DOS/CMD box. You will need to have the mediachanger.exe in your path or define the path/working directory accordingly. I suggest keeping play.bat and mediachanger in the same folder.
Play.bat - -->
mediachanger unmount
ping -n 1 -w 10000 >nul
rem echo %1
mediachanger mount %1
BTW - I was using the last free version of Xlobby. I hope this helps. Let us know how things turn out.