Does the "title say it all" afterall?

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Does the "title say it all" afterall?

Postby P3rv3rt B3ar on Sun Aug 19, 2007 11:19 pm

I hate to be an arse, but... (whom im kiddin :D )

... im getting bit anoyed cause we get loooot of support requests threads on "tips and tricks" section of the board. And they just clutter that especially important section. Usually people know pretty well here to post into right section but for some reason "tips and tricks" seems to be exception, that makes me wonder if sections descriptor "title says it all" is not so clear afterall, should it be changed more descriptive one? or mayby moderator could wake up from slumber and throw these threads to "support" where they belong?

Am i only one bothered by this??
P3rv3rt B3ar
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Re: Does the "title say it all" afterall?

Postby dalanik on Mon Aug 20, 2007 7:05 am


Kosovo indeed "srpska zemlja"! :-)
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Re: Does the "title say it all" afterall?

Postby jowaldo on Mon Aug 20, 2007 7:14 pm

P3rv3rt B3ar wrote:... or mayby moderator could wake up from slumber and throw these threads to "support" where they belong?

Am i only one bothered by this??

huh?... wha? man you woke me up... :o

I'll try and keep a better eye on that stuff
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Re: Does the "title say it all" afterall?

Postby defrag on Mon Aug 20, 2007 9:00 pm

:D :D :D

the giant awakes
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Re: Does the "title say it all" afterall?

Postby P3rv3rt B3ar on Wed Aug 29, 2007 12:23 am

dalanik wrote:Kosovo indeed "srpska zemlja"! :-)

Hey, now that i was re-editing my signature... i became confused, i always thought that blue symbolised sky, white walls of kalemegdan fortress (well not so white today but mayby 1000 years ago), and red blood of raiders (ottoman turks, nazi germs, and most recently americans) spilt all around them... When did u guys turn your flag upside down?? :shock:
P3rv3rt B3ar
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