S Pittaway wrote:the cache stuff was really for my use i just left it there in case...
personnaly i find this freature very interresting...
even with the wasting of memory on the disk...
i would like create an reflection effect with the category music...
with a particular effect of oriented display
so,i believe i need probably function of xcache image rotate
i have tried several combination
but i dont remember all of this...
but per example with
where 1 is a nane of category
xdatabase xcache update 1 true
i find a folder in the cache files folder
of xdatabase folder called 1 but it s empty
i supose i need more informations to specifiy in the ini file
but i can put it into correctly...
and i dont know what is the instruction
to make appears the generated ratated image on a screen
ps: is it possible to put more value for the rotation more that 90,180,270
is it possible to display a all category with the new possibility for orientation
like this for the text ""category>music>1>
0,35"thanks for your comprehension