cm15a X10 Plugin

Xlobby plugin development

cm15a X10 Plugin

Postby jimww on Tue Jul 26, 2005 5:56 pm

I'm trying to create a plugin in VB, C#, or C++ to make it possible for me to have my USB X10 controller (cm15a) notify my plugin when it receives an X10 command. The cm15a does not work with the existing X10 plugins. It seems the outgoing works fine with what's built into XLobby but I don't see an easy (already done) way to have an XLobby event triggered from this device. I looked at some code samples that deal with responding to events, but I'm not quite sure how to implement the code in a DLL that would respond and then notify XLobby as a trigger. I figure If I can get this, then I can write a DLL for Girder as well.

The xusbuirt sample was useful, but it seems to attach it's callback functionality to the USBUIRT DLL via a function that includes a handle, which does not seem available via the function exposed via the SDK that controls the ActiveHome cm15a. Any suggestions or code samples? Does my question make enough sense? I've gotten rusty at programming... :oops:

Thanks for any help
(This forum is a great resource and I hope to start contributing myself)
Posts: 2
Joined: Sat Jul 16, 2005 9:06 pm

Postby jimww on Thu Jul 28, 2005 8:35 pm

I think I'm just getting my head around this so correct me if I'm wrong.

Does it make sense that because X10 is a transeiving technology that it be incorporated into the IR Tab within Xlobby. I need to be able to have XLobby respond to external x10 Radio Freq events transmitted by the cm15a. From what I've seen, treating the cm15a just like any IR device, would provide a flexible configurable way to setup x10 devices that could also allow provide for the triggering of any XLobby event.

How else could a "user defined" Xlobby command be linked to a received X10 event?

Anyway, thats where I'm moving. Modifying the xusbuirt plugin...
Comments appreciated.
Posts: 2
Joined: Sat Jul 16, 2005 9:06 pm