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Newbee Help

Postby funhouse69 on Sun Jan 28, 2007 9:30 am

Hi - I'm really sorry for probably asking the same questions that others have asked but I've searched and searched the forum and haven't been able to find the answers I'm looking for.

First of all I LOVE the product and its flexibility. With that said I also have to say that I'm not very technical and was wondering a few things...

Since I'm pretty much new to Xlobby and the HTPC End of things I'm wondering how I can get cover art imported from my already existing movie collection? I've read that DVD Profiler can do this but I've already got about 500 movies in my collection and that seems to be best used as you go along.

From there - I figured out that if I put a jpg image in the VIDEO_TS folder it will be picked up by X-Lobby as the “Cover” but how do I get the rest of the information like back over art and actor info? I've heard about Spiders but honestly haven't been able to find any information on how to actually use them in simple terms (again sorry for my incompetence).

This is my set up - I have Xlobby running on a system connected to a Sony 50" TV which I’m So thrilled with. My player application is TheaterTek with a Snap Stream Remote.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Keep up the GREAT work! I'm so looking forward to the next release
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Joined: Sun Jan 28, 2007 9:21 am
Location: Massachusetts

Postby Marbles_00 on Sun Jan 28, 2007 11:43 pm

For the first time, I don't think there is an easy way of creating your movie database. At least a name has to be entered. Now whether you use DVD Profiler, or my preferred choice...Ant Movie Catalog and the Xant plugin, you still have to enter the movie name. From there the internet is polled for all the rest of the info and coverart. Once done, you will only then have to add new movies in your collection.

Spiders do work, but again, you will have to go through each movie and spider it. For the work, your better off to use XAnt or DVD Profiler.

My suggestion, use ANT and Xant. Ant is freeware, has a good collection of sites to download coverart and info. Everytime Xlobby is started, the Xant plugin will search out and update the movie database, based on the current Ant catalog. The movie database can still be updated from within Xlobby as well.

Hope this helps
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