by P3rv3rt B3ar on Tue Aug 29, 2006 3:00 pm
Usually people have changer vs. HDD stance and defend their camp furiously. However i think both are rather neat solutions. Nowadays both solutions are pretty much equal in cost- and space-efficiency. I guess biggest difference is in practicality, ripping takes loooot of time, yet filling changer and organizing it takes up few nights too, and usability, if your changer is not UOP cracked it will take some time to launch movies, especially true with ones with long copyright crap campaings, yet since u have HTPC running the show u will prolly display some trailers while changer is going truogh mandatory FBI, MPAA, and FACT crap. All an all both are great solutions. (personally im using changers, yet i have RAID system for storing other media and movies with double sided disc.)
To answer your question... u can have movies in shelf and have xlobby to ask disc, but thats extremely bad solution space-efficiency-wise and yes, u can have changer(s) and control them with XLobby. One word of advice though, think carefully do u want a changer which is controlled by cable or just by infrared. Infrared ones might be rather unreliable, but ones u can control with cable (RS 232, FireWire, propriety) are rarer and generally more expensive.