The location shows up, no problem there.
It is Chandler, AZ
let me know what you find. very baffling.
turk30213 wrote:Okay, I think it might be working. However. For some reason, when I put in "plugin>xoapweather>current>%temperature%", It says "Weather Data Unavailible". Does this mean that this plugin wont work for me?
f29pc wrote:I am using the heavy metal skin (WS ver.), downloaded and installed everything as pub. Still can't get the WX plugin to work. I can enter my location and save it but I still get "No WX data avalable". Do I need to add all the variables ? If so how? I see the list, just don't know how to load them. Looking at the forcast XML file, the loacation shows up ok, but the list below is very short. The Variables XML does not show my location (or any for that matter, I've tried several) and contains no specific data (ie no actual temps or wind data). In Xlobby setup-databaes should there be one for weather ? Last question, I downloaded the WX images (one 3mb file correct?) do I need to make an image dir in the plugin and install there, or just paste it in the xoapweather dir. I am also conecting via direcway sat. could that be a problem ? If at this point you tell me to stick to the Weather Channel I'll undrstand...