Beginning of movie playback problem

V3 help and support questions

Beginning of movie playback problem

Postby Bill Lott on Fri Aug 07, 2009 2:32 am

Not sure if this is a xlobby on DVDFab problem; but every newly copied movie experiences jerky/garbled playback for the first 8 to 10 seconds. Seems like it's almost in slow motion and I get major screen tiling. After about 10 seconds the playback is fine for the remainder of the movie. I'm using the latest versions of both products. This seems to have begun in the last month. I'm using the xlobby DVD copy plugin. I keep thinking it will go away with the next betas but so far it's still happening. Older copied movies are playing back with no problems. Not real sure where to start looking. Is anyone else having similar issues??
Bill Lott
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Re: Beginning of movie playback problem

Postby wesblack on Fri Aug 07, 2009 4:14 pm


In the xLobby setup menu under media player, which graph are you using. Also which version of DVDFab.

Wes Black \ Calrad
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Re: Beginning of movie playback problem

Postby Bill Lott on Sat Aug 08, 2009 10:41 pm

Default graph in xLobbby and DVDFab
Bill Lott
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Location: Louisville, KY

Re: Beginning of movie playback problem

Postby billberet on Mon Aug 10, 2009 2:25 pm

i have a similar issue, but my studder puts the audio out of sync with the video.
the fix is, i hit rewind quickly then play again and everything is back in sync.
happens at least once a movie at different points of time.

How much ram does everyone have on their machines, i have 2g.
using powerdvd 6, and the powerdvd 6 graph file.
i am thinking something is running in the background that steals the resources for a second, this would cause my audio to go out of sync.
i turned off the weather update, in case that might have been the case. it's a pain in the butt but i can live with it.
if anyone has any ideas for either of us, feel free.
What do the Xlobby installers use for their playback?
(don't mean to steal the thread :) )
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Re: Beginning of movie playback problem

Postby wesblack on Mon Aug 10, 2009 3:52 pm


Using the default setting can be unpredictable. You need to use powerDVD6 and the graphs that work with it. Please contact Bob Adams at Calrad, so he can assist you with this. or Tel: 323-465-2131.

Wes Black \ Calrad
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Re: Beginning of movie playback problem

Postby samsonlov on Fri Oct 02, 2009 1:43 am

I also saw this issue on a few machines several times after updating/re-installing XL, and I can confirm Wes' solution.

I updated all machines to a build greater than "3.0.9212.46", and changed graph from "default" to "PDVD6+AC3" or VRM9+, and that seemed to solve the issue.

(I'm using older Calrad-supplied hardware which mostly use an "on-motherboard" coax S/PDIF headder with toslink option, and the machines that had the issue were all at least 2 to 3 years old.)
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