by nspindel on Tue Feb 15, 2005 7:05 pm
Hi - Having problems with this import. I am doing exactly as these directions indictate. This seems to work - all cover art is brought into XLobby, along with commentary from the xml. When I go into the movies db through manual edit, it looks as you've indicated in these instructions. However, clicking on the graphic in XLobby then pressing Play does nothing. If I disable the DVD Profiler from importing, then XLobby brings in my movies based on the directory structure, but with no cover art or commentary. So I just get the blank default icon for each movie. But if I try to play from this icon, it works, so I know it has nothing to do with XLobby<->Zoom Player or anything like that.
If I then edit the database manually after I import without DVD Profiler, and set the path to the cover art manually, I can play from the cover art icon. But I obviously don't want to do this manually for each dvd, and also no xml info.
So it seems when I import with DVD profiler, it does not properly set up an association between the DVD profiler entry and the DVD files in my my directory structure.
I had thought this all happens automatically, but maybe I am wrong.
I am using DVD Profiler 2.3.1b826, and XLobby2.exe dated Feb 8, 2005