Hi guys,
I am trying to import my mp3s only by using the information from the id3-tag, by checking "ignore folder". After importing everything is fine except for those "various artists" albums. For example for a "Cafe del Mar"-CD with 15 artists, I will get 15 albums in my music mainpage. All my music is sorted like this:
D:\music\artist\album\artis - title.mp3
All tags are correct and synchronized in both versions (V1&2)
xlobby should ignore the structure anyway, but it does'nt. I always get 15 times the same "Cafe del Mar" album on the album page, each with one song from one individual artist.
Would be great, if anyone knows how to solve this. I simply would like to have an album structure for all my albums, including variuos artist ones.
A one-album one-album thing
Lates version from x-lobby installed
Thanks for you help guys