I have a multi-level music DB:
I am using a "display folder in category" to create a "musicalbums" category (i.e. all the albums for a single artist)
I have my "musicalbums" category set up to display 4 albums per page. I can determine which page I am on by using category>musicalbums>page to display the text (i.e. Page 2 of 4)
Once I select an individual album, I show the details using category musicalbumsdetails. I can then move forward to the next album, or back to the previous album, by using the "Next/Previous Item" events, with the category set to musicalbums.
Is there a category variable that I can access to determine which ALBUM NUMBER I am on?
..... for example, if I have 12 albums for a single artist, I would like to select the album and have a text field that shows I am on "Album 5 of 12."
So I am looking for something like:
which tells me the index of the selected element in the musicalbums category.
Is there such a counter implemented in xlobby categories?
I have not been able to locate a master list of all category variables available for use. If someone has one I would appreciate it.