coverart points to c:\program files\.....\dvd profiler\images
That is one problem. You've defined distinct locations, so every machine has to have that location. Do what rhino states, though there will be a little bit of work on your behave. Move all the images to their defined movie directory. Then network share the main directory in which the movies reside, then import it. Set that machine as a XNET server then restart Xlobby. Your other machines will then be classed as "Fat" clients...meaning each one will have their own Xlobby. In each setup of the clients concerning XNET, define the IP of the server, restart XLobby. Now it's been a while since the last time I tried connecting a fat client, but you may also have to define the location of each shared directory on the server, but you shouldn't have to import.
If all works right, the next time you restart the fat client machine, all databases are copied over from the server to the client. If you define UPC (?) locations as opposed to actual drive locations, then you should be able to play all your music/movies/pictures etc. from the client machine while all the files reside on your server.
Hope that helps.