Hey Everyone,
Ran across this site while researching building a DVD server. From what I can tell so far WOW! I think this may just be the answer to my interface needs.
Here's my current plan. Build a DVD server, Music Server, and 1 or 2 TV card servers. Probably use Athlon XP 2.x's and RAID0 a 1 TB disk array for the DVD server and 2-300 GB for the other machines. Place all of these in the basement of my new house. Run CAT 5 to the bedrooms, living room, family room and the rec room. May place a WiFi media point for outside speakers. Not 100% sure on that one yet. Anyway, each HTPC machine in the different rooms will be another AMD setup. Top it all off with several WIFI P(ocket) PCs to act as controllers for all media functions and X10 updates planned for the future.
Noticed tha XL was able to run mutliple PPC controllers for a distibuted system like this. Was wondering if anyone knows of a way to have the PPC's recognize which room they are in and trigger XL to bring up the skin for the room that the PPC is in.
Wanted to also ask for opinions on which TV software to use: Snapstream etc. The TV cards I'm using are AverMedia PCI 350 Hardware MPEG TV cards.
Was also wondering if anyone knows what the data rate of a Gigabit ethernet connection was if CAT 5e wires are used.
Thanks in advance for any thoughts or suggestions.