Steven , can you extend the option in menu (F2) -> misc ->
Load HTTP images on startup to work with RSS news.
At the moment the only slowdown at my Xlobby startup is loading rss news.
Can you make this command to work also with RSS news ?
I want (if possible):
When unchecked Load HTTP images will not load RSS and HTTP images.
When checked Load HTTP images will load RSS and HTTP images.
My Xlobby is loading in less then 5 seconds (more than 500 movies,more than 5000 mp3's, more than 2000 pictures,and about 200 games) on a Athlon 1800+ with 512MB ram without internet(network) connection.
This is the slowest system(media server) I have in my network.
If I enable the network (Internet ADSL 512K connection) it loads in more than 15 seconds.
I don't need RSS news every time I start Xlobby.
I will manually press the refresh button when I want new news.
Is it possible ?