by Marbles_00 on Mon Sep 18, 2006 4:20 pm
Check out my web link, I've done a music only skin that you can download and try. Only additional stuff is weather and intheater info. It is primarily for 5 zones. It also includes ppc screens.
I'm currently redoing the graphics and changing it around (hopefully making it better). I've completed the main screens for the most part, now I'm starting to work on ppc graphics. It will also include a floorplan map (of my house unfortunately for others), that will give you zone information in anyroom, and by clicking on any room that is setup as a zone, will "set zone" to that room, automatically setting that zone to control. It has been setup for 10 zones and the graphics could very easily be adapted for any floorplan. Screen shots of this skin are to come soon.
If you want to add more zones to any existing skin only showing 4 zones, just copy and paste the zone status command and image command and replace with whatever the number of the zone. The commands are:
zone>#>image - (without strings before or after) where the '#' is the number of the zone, will give you the album cover images for each zone.
%zone>#>status% - where '#' is the number of the zone, will give you all the album information within the zone. This includes album, artist, title, genre, year (I think), time elapsed/ total time.
Hope this was helpful.