plugin>XLDVDImportPlugin>profile - change profiles as defined in the plugin config page
They're pretty self explanitory.
I have the following events defined:
- Code: Select all
load dvddecryptor
-command event using the XLDVDImportPlugin
- Command: start
I used this command when entering the rip screen, much like how I load CDEX when entering the CD rip screen. Not sure if it does anything, but doesn't hurt.
- Code: Select all
toggle dvdrip mode
- command event using the XLDVDImportPlugin
- Command: toggle
This event is associated to a button that will toggle through the different profiles saved.
- Code: Select all
start dvd rip
- command event using the XLDVDImportPlugin
- Command: start
This event is associated to a button that will start the rip process. This I find actually loads DVD Decryptor.
To configure the plugin, I will try and define the setting in the configure screen:
Profile: the name and selection of different profiles stored
Drive: location of DVD drive
Destination: the folder location to store the rip
Mode: select either file stucture mode, IFO mode (DVD standard), or ISO image mode (mount image to view movie).
Split: split the movie to multiple locations
Naming: not sure, but I'm sure it's mentioned in the "how to"
Event: not sure, but I'm sure it's mentioned in the "how to"
Check off "Save DVD Decryptor settings" should you want to keep a new profile.
The button to "Start DVD Decryptor" will verify the location of Decyrptor.
That's about it. I load in a disk, and like I mentioned above, not to much happens. I then click on to start the rip, and Decyrptor loads and starts on its own.
Hope this was helpful