mememe wrote:I've tried setting this up multiple times now and it hasn't worked at all. I'm having the following problems:
1. I have never had, or had created, an xmptv.xml in any of the directories or locations that the instructions reference
2. Every .rar/.zip file I have downloaded from this thread do not contain things referenced in the instructions like the mini-player or skin pages
3. The .rar/.zip files I've downloaded from this thread have no Mediaportal\Program Files\MediaPortal or Xlobby\Entire Xlobby\Program Files\Xlobby files, or folders, that are referenced in the instructions
What am I missing?
I did a full mediaportal installation just to be sure the guide and tvserver were working correctly. Everything is working find. I just don't see how, even following the instructions, how the tvserver gets to be useable by xlobby.
mini-player was left out from the rar sorry! Will update this weekend.
the manual is not updates since the mp team went over to a different install technique.
we'll get u up and running. lets see how far u got.....check the points below and get back to me.
I assume the dirs are
c:\program files\xlobby
C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal
C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server
did u run the update_all.bat from the rar?
if not copy the content of 3. Xlobby to your xlobby install
make sure the file UNOLibs.Net.dll exist in 3 places:
c:\program files\xlobby
C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal
C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server
Make sure the gentle.config is correct according to YOUR system. This is the line u have to check and its the hostname and the database thats important.
<DefaultProvider name="SQLServer" connectionString="Password=xxxxxxxxxxxx;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=sa;Initial Catalog=MpTvDb;Data Source=YOURHOSTNAME\SQLEXPRESS;Connection Timeout=300;" />
The file above exist in all 3 places but it is CREATED by the server so u can have that as a reference.( xp paths)
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal
c:\program files\xlobby
open tvserver configuration and make sure the plugin xlobby is ENABLED. if the plugin is not there at all, the xlobby.dll is missing in the directory:
C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server\plugins
open mediaportal configuration and make sure the xmptv process plugin is enabled.
restart tvservice or reboot computer.
start mediaportal.exe manually now. if it works great.if not, paste logs here so I can read whats wrong.logs from mp is located here on a xp:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\log
All I need is error.log and mediaportal.log
I uploaded a new rar file that also contains the xml files that u didn't have.(They are created auto when all is working!)