Multiple Filters...Any work around?

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Multiple Filters...Any work around?

Postby Grok on Wed Feb 02, 2005 9:49 pm

Is there anyway to filter a list with multiple options?
From the forum search, it doesn't seem to be currently supported.

I'll give some different examples, please let me know if its possible.

1) Movie Genres. (Action, Comedy, Horror, Drama...)
Having toggle buttons/list for each genre and allow someone to show entries that match.

2) Can a movie have multiple genre (Action/Comedy) or (Comedy/Drama). I don't mean creating a different entry "Action/Comedy"...more like a MASK.
Action = 0x0001
Comedy = 0x0002
Drama = 0x0004
So Action/Comedy = 0x0003, and looking for "Comedy" will pick up any <item> with that bit set.
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